Sunday, January 27, 2013

Your Debt is Already Paid

     Grace is both a complex and a simple idea to understand.  It is complex because our human minds cannot grasp how it is possible for one man (our Savior) to pay the price for the sins of every human being that has lived since the beginning of time.  On the other hand, it is simple, because HE made it simple.  He chose to go through unspeakable agony and sorrow to provide us with an opportunity to repent of our sins and return to his presence.  Either we take advantage of this opportunity or we don't!  There is NOTHING that we can do to deserve the wonderful gift that our Savior has so lovingly bestowed upon us!  The gift is there waiting for us to open it and the only questions is, "Do we open it now, wait for later, or reject it all together?"  The latter two options do not make much sense to pursue.  If we "wait" to take advantage of such a gift, then we end up wasting our lives and the close relationship that we could of had with our Savior.  If we reject it, then we live a life filled with pain and unnecessary sorrow.  For a moment, pretend that you have committed a crime and that society is ready to lock you up in a cell and throw away the key.  At the last minute, a man steps forward and tells the prison guard, "Let them go, and let me take their place instead."  You stand in amazement and do not know whether to move or stay put.  The man places his hand on your shoulder and looks lovingly into your eyes while saying, "Go free, and know that your sentence has been served!"  How is this any different from the Atonement that our Savior has already made and from his everlasting grace which waits to pour down upon us the moment we agree to let it?  Life is prison without the Lord, Jesus Christ!  We can NEVER hope to achieve anything that will last without his help and his grace.  He gives us every breath that we breathe and every beat of our heart - how can we hope to do anything on our own?  Yet, so many of us still try to do it on our own.
     A dear friend of mine, related a story to me, that completely fits the above explanation.  He told me that he was trying to get his life in order and was visiting with his Bishop to do so.  This friend always had a hard time feeling "worthy" enough to come to the Savior and ask for forgiveness.  He felt that "he" had to overcome a certain amount of obstacles on his own and then he would feel that he was "enough" to come to the Savior and ask for forgiveness.  There were times that he could even "do it" all on his own for several months and sometimes years, but he always fell eventually and pursued the wrong path.  He had very little self-worth and felt like his life was doomed to everlasting failure.  He poured his heart out to his Bishop and then waited for his response.  What his Bishop said next surprised him and touched him to the core of his heart.  "Sam, the debt you have because of your sins, has already been paid by your Savior.  He is waiting for you to realize that fact and come back to his presence."  My friend had never thought of the atonement that way before.  His debt was already paid and all he needed to do was lay his burden at his Savior's feet and then continue on his way.  I love this story and I am ever grateful to an inspired Bishop who used five simple words to calm the troubled heart of my dear friend: "Your debt is already paid!"  Could there be any more words than those that were more true or more beautiful?!  I think not.
     So many of us feel the same way as my friend, and we "wait" until we are good enough or have done enough, to seek out our Savior.  Why?  Do we think we could ever be "good enough" or that we could accomplish any task "worthy enough" to pay back the infinite atonement that our Savior gave?  The answer is that there is NOTHING that we can do of our own accord that will EVER repay the sacrifice he made.  He does not expect us too.  The only thing he wants from us is our mind and our hearts.  STOP WAITING!!!  Come to him NOW...this very minute...and get on your knees to ask for his grace to pour over your soul and bring you the healing that you have been waiting for.  Healing from sin, from heartache, from sorrow or despair - whatever it may be - HE can heal you!  We are ALL human and we will ALL make mistakes in the course of our existence.  It is time that we stop allowing the Adversary control our thoughts and tell us that we are pathetic and will never be "good enough" to qualify for the Savior's atonement.  We already "qualify" and through Jesus Christ, we are made "good enough" to enter into his presence.  Will we do it?  Will we finally see the truth that "our debt is already paid" and we do NOT have to live through this life one more minute alone?!  Only you can decide that one!  Like I mentioned in the first post of this blog, grace is just one-half of the puzzle, and next time we can discuss works.  However, until then, please allow our Savior's sacrifice and infinite atonement into your life and let it penetrate your heart and soul!  He loves you and nothing you can do can change that!  Grace Works!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with me. To say that you are a wonderful writer is actually a cheap compliment compared to saying that I felt you are a disciple and therefore an authority on this timeless topic.
